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                                                                                                                                                             MED DOCTOR SINGLE                                                                                      04

                                                                                                                                                             HEAD STETHOSCOPE

                                                                                                                                                             Silver single head chest piece
                                                                                                                                                             ergonomic design for comfortable use.
                                                                                                                                                             Connecting spring is embedded, ear
                                                                                                                                                             tips are specially designed to fit the ear
                     DEVICES                                                                                                                DEVICES
                                                                                                                                                             For Nurses, Doctors, Specialists and
           With deluxe cuff (same                                                                                                 For Nurses, Doctors,       Veterinarians
           as digital blood pressure                                                                                              Specialists and            Anodized aluminum single
           cuff) and PVC bladder                                                                                                  Veterinarians
           with bulb                                                                                                              White ear tips             chest piece

                                                                                                                                  Nonchill ring              Brass chrome plated
           Head white color, glass                                                                                                                           spring binaural
           tube dia.2.3mm’pipe
           scale in large red line

           Wireless yellow ruler
                                        MED AID MERCURIAL
           Bladder with PVC tube
           and PVC Bulb audit and
           children                     SPHYGMOMANOMETER

           Trimble and conical value                                                                                                                         MED DOCTOR DUAL
                                        Mercurial Sphygmomanometer is a traditional blood pressure
           Gray & Navy Blue             measuring instrument, which is still considered to be the                                                            HEAD STETHOSCOPE
                                        bench mark of blood pressure measurement.                                                    03 03
                                                                                                                                                             The small bell-like chest piece is used
                                        Maximum error tolerance of +/- 2 mmHg.                                                                               for auscultating of slight and low
                                        99.99% pure Mercury.                                                                                                 frequency sound.
                                        Precision glass column internal diameter 4.2 mm +/- 0.2 mm                                                           Considerate dual anti-chill ring design.
                                        (0.17 in +/- 0.1 in)                                                                                DEVICES          Connecting spring is embedded, ear tip
                                        Precision air release valve, wear-free and with fine regulation.                                                      is specially designed for suiting the ear
                                        Microfilters to protect the measuring system and against                                   Silver dual head chest     structure.
                                                                                                                                  piece for adult, the
                                        mercury pollution.                                                                        membrane with              Stainless steel chest piece,
                                        Two-tube bladder cuffs with plastic plug-in type connector.                               diameter 48mm is           excellent sound conduction.
                                        Metal faceplate with easy-to-read scale up to 300 mmHg.                                   sensitive for sound
                                        Mercury lock.                                                                             collecting.
                                        Large storage compartment for cuff and bulb.

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