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MED-PRODUCTS GmbH is a German company established in VALUES AND STRENGTHS
2014 with the head office in Frankfurt am Main. Working with our customers in a collaborative way to ensure
MED-PRODUCTS specialize in manufacturing and marketing that we always strive to be the best and offer innovative and INDEX
high range of medical disposable and medical device optimal solutions to all of our customers across all of our
products. MED-PRODUCTS started its sales activity in Middle many and diverse operations.
East market and it has been on the rise ever since providing a
wide variety of medical disposable and medical device TRUST
products and keeping a glance on innovations to enhance all In MED, we are committed in placing human health above
products for the benefit of customer’s demands. It’s focal business model. We believe in the concept of giving superior
points of production are being customer satisfaction, quality, reasonable pricing, technically advanced medical
competitive pricing and conformation to the highest of products, ensuring a qualitative after sales back up, and
quality standards. most important building the road of trust with our customers.
Our products are supplied all over Middle East and we will
OUR VISION keep developing to make sure that our products reach all
Our vision is to achieve customer’s fully satisfaction by around the world.
delivering quality products at an affordable price and
bringing value to customers through professionalism, PACKAGING AND DESIGN
knowledge, integrity, trustworthiness and action. At Med, however, we do not rest on our successes and have
developed methods and tools for continuous improvement.
OUR MISSION Our packaging and designing success method depend on
MED-PRODUCTS mission is to achieve the reputation of delivering best products in terms of performance, safety,
quality and initiate to provide cost-effective healthcare material and labelling. We do our best to achieve our
solutions, customized customer service and build the customer’s satisfaction.
unconditional trust of our customer. Our mission is
achievable by constructing a strong corporate culture, OUR EXPERTISE
developed by our employees’ commitments to our corporate Med’s success depends on its unique blend of highly
values. experienced personnel and young & dynamic professional
employees specializing in their respective fields. They strive
FEATURING NEW METHODS hard to ensure to supply quality products at reasonable rates
With MED-PRODUCTS’s longstanding commitment to and within the mutually settled delivery schedule.
research and development, MED-PRODUCTS continually
pursues innovative technologies through its own research,
collaborations, and partnerships around the world. In
addition, participating in many international trade fairs,
training and development programs in different countries
regularly in order to provide best to our customers and