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                                        DEHP Free I.V set with dial flow controller specially designed for
                                        controlling the flow rates of fluid.                                                                                    GLUCOSE
                                        Eliminates the need for expensive electronic I.V. pumps.                                                              INTRAVENOUS
                                        Provided with soft and kink resistant clear PVC tubing                                       06 06                                                                                                                  08
                                        for uniterrupted flow.                                                                                                 INFUSION B.P.
                                        Gentle gravity drive is
                                        self-correcting.                                                                                                      5% W/V
                                        Wide dial operates as
                                        thumb wheel like roller                                                                                               Each 100 ml contains:
                     IV-INFUSION                                                                                                            IV-INFUSION
                                        clamp.                                                                                                                glucose anhydrous b.p. ……..5.0 g
           150ml microdropper           Security door                                                                             Sterile                     water of injection b.p. …………..q.s.
           administration               prevents the                                                                              Nonpyrogenic                Administer by venoclysis
           infusion set with cap        accidental change of                                                                                                  Using aceptic technique
           Non-toxic                    flow rate.                                                                                                             Single dose container
           ETO sterile                                                                                                                                        Store in a cool place


                                                                                                                                                              SODIUM CHLORIDE

                                                                                                                                                              AND GLUCOSE


                                                                                                                                                              INFUSION B.P. 0.9%                             07

                                                                                                                                                              W/V AND 5% W/V

                                                                                                                                                              Each 100 ml contains:
                                                                                                                                                              glucose anhydrous b.p. ……..5.0 g                         IV-INFUSION
                                                                                       For subcutaneous                                                       sodium chloride b.p ……. 0.90 g
                                                                                       injection                                                                                                              Sterile
                                                                                       For intramuscular                                                      water of injection b.p. …………..q.s.              Nonpyrogenic
                                                                                                                                                              Calculated osmolarity approx 560 m. mols/l)
           STERILE WATER FOR INJECTION                                                 injection                                                              Concentration of electrolytes (m.mols/l)
                                                                                       For intravenous infusion
                                                                                       Single patient use                                                     Sodium 154, chloride 154:
           Sterile Water for Injection, USP is a sterile, nonpyrogenic prepara-        No preservatives                                                       Glucose anhydrous 50 gm / l
           tion of water for injection which contains no bacteriostat, antimi-         Colorless                                                              Administer by venoclysis using aceptic
           crobial agent or added buffer and is supplied only in single-dose           Distilled                                                              technique
           containers to dilute or dissolve drugs for injection.                       Pyrogen free                                                           Single dose container
                                                                                       5ml and 10ml

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